Thursday, September 29, 2016

Using Hair Fiber Powder For Hairline (Great Results)

Today I'm going to be talking about Toppik.

Toppik is a hair building fiber system.

I heard about it a long time ago and I kinda dismissed it because, I mean, we've all seen those infomercials for like the spray on hair for men who are balding, for women who have very thin hair.

I kinda knew about it but until it landed on my desk and I decided to give it a try did I realize how much more useful it is than that.

When I watched the videos like the how-to videos, it really caught my attention.

I do not have thinning hair issue, I do have a quite a bit of hair.

Something that has always bothered me, it sounds kinda stupid, is my hairline.

This product is supposed to be good for filling in areas near hairline and even like sculpting new hairline and I'll show you in a minute how I do that because that is how I use it.

I do not really use it to get thicker-looking hair. But when I have my hair pulled back and you can see my scalp or my uneven hairline, that's something I wanted to try to solve with this product and it worked perfectly.

So it comes in four different shades (9 now) - light brown, medium brown, dark brown and black. I use medium brown.

Even though my hair is pretty dark, my roots and especially like around my hairline is lighter, like almost I have blond hairs around my hairline.

What these fibers do is they adhere to existing hair, it's kinda like build a matrix on them.

You buy the bottles, they come individually. You buy the bottle, the top part, the spray pump comes with the accessory kit, but you only have to buy this once and you can reuse it.

It comes with this spray nozzle. Otherwise you have to shake it on and I promise you this is a worthwhile investment.

It comes with this kinda guide and this is really good when working around your hairline. And then it also comes with the FIberHold Spray. This is like a sealing spray for after you are finished, kinda like a last step and it makes fibers last longer, even through wind and rain. I find that they last long time on their own but that spray really does help to hold them.

 So the way it works is that the fibers in here are actual keratin fibers, similar to what your hair is made up of.

They have like a natural magnetic charge to them which is attracted to your hair so you are not just like spying on a color, you are actually spraying on fibers that adhere to your natural hair and stay on.

It's really amazing how it works and it is something you have to try in order to understand.

Does take a little bit of practice. Knowing like how hard to push the nozzle, knowing like, you know, the strokes to make or how far away to be. It just takes a little practice but I promise it does not take very long.

This product is great for someone like me who just wants to shape their hairline. It's great for someone with thinning hair because they can cover up scalp really nicely. It's great for anyone who is experiencing temporary hair loss like pregnancy loss or just any type of hair issue that you wish that you could just come and cover some areas to make them look a little bit fuller. It works wonders.

So what I'm going to do is put my hair back. I'm going to make my ponytail fairly tight so that you can see my hairline. See what I mean by when I pull my hair tight, there is hair, it's just blond, so it kinda looks like a bald spot. If you pull your hair back, you can get like these patches of skin showing. It will help with that.

I'm just going to stick the guide towards my hairline and I just pump and it's almost perfect. I do not go for like a perfectly round hairline. I just want something that is a little bit more soft.

Sometimes if you can see some markings, I just tap it in and that makes it go away right away.

So when you are happy with how the fibers look, and trust me, be happy, do not spray this and then continue going with the fibers. I just find that once you sprayed this, it's over, do not add anymore or they can kinda get clump up a bit.

Use the FiberHold Spray, and I just one spray on each side.

There is a difference to my hairline but it is subtle and natural-looking which is obviously the most important part.

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